Thursday, 6 August 2009

another month gone by

hello everyone, i hope you are all well and happy.
so its another month, changes here and there but nothing major. my hair is budding and shrinking so all good signs, still alot of unravelling but im used to it now so nothing to worry about, my hair is still sticking UP!!!!!!! so i am looking forward to the day when it actually falls down. im still being lazy about my hair, i wash a couple times a week with organic shampoo, and i spritz with water sometimes and i have got coconut oil and evoo on hand if needed. i kinda given up retwisting as it undos the next day, so as i play in my hair so much i count that as kinda retwisting, its sooooooo frizzy but i really have got used to just going with the flow of things and having faith in the locing process. it has been a hard journey so far, just because its so unknown and im doing it on my lonesome, but im in it for the long run, so only time will tell.
i will do some photos soon, its just so busy as its the 6 week school holidays so my son and nieces/nephews are taking up all my time.

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